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Product: 4 Drawer Filling Cabinet
SKU: OT4DFC Price: R 4 876.00 (Excl VAT)
Product Description
- 4 drawer filing cabinet for office furniture
- Available in various colours
- Ball bearing runners
- Central locking
- Solid 22mm base with adjustable ferrules
- Size 466 x 560 x 1395
Filing cabinets can be as aesthetically pleasing as you like and these are especially so. Clean, slick cabinets with four drawers offering ample space for all your office filing and storage needs. Choose from a range of colours that match your office decor and get these office filing cabinets fitted for your professional space.
The dimensions above clarify exactly how much space you will be getting with this piece of essential office furniture. how many do you need? One for each office? One for the company to share? You decide and we will provide.
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ROI Restaurant & Office Furniture offers the most affordable, quality furniture available in South Africa. Buy your restaurant furniture online, kit out cafes, hotels, pubs, bars, or even your office and home.
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26 Jessie Street, Glen Donald, Meyerton District, Gauteng
626119617 sales@roifurniture.co.za