Quality, Affordable, Online Restaurant and Hospitality furniture
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Demi Glass - round dining table
Product Description
- 10mm tapid glass top
- 90cm table
- Chrome legs
- Size 90cm diametre X 75cm height
Bring your restaurant to life with this stylish, minimalist Demi Glass Round Dining Table with chrome legs. It's such a beautiful piece that you won't want to cover it with a table cloth. The three chrome legs are an eye-catching feature of these restaurant tables, and we can deliver more than enough kit out your entire eatery with quality dining tables for your customers or guests.
Now... which cafe chairs or restaurant seating would you like to pair these tables with? You have so many to choose from.
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ROI Restaurant & Office Furniture offers the most affordable, quality furniture available in South Africa. Buy your restaurant furniture online, kit out cafes, hotels, pubs, bars, or even your office and home.
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26 Jessie Street, Glen Donald, Meyerton District, Gauteng
626119617 sales@roifurniture.co.za